Parent Wellbeing: CBT Perfectionism Intervention for children aged 7-12
Posted on June 04, 2024

Psychologist-Recommended Parent-led Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Program for Children (Ages 7-12) Perfectionism tendancies
Perfectionism is the enemy of progress - Winston Churchill
Are you the parent/carer of a child aged 7 to 12 who:
- Feels bad about themselves if they do not do very well at things (e.g., school, hobbies)
- Continually sets goals for themselves that seem difficult to reach
- Tends to procrastinate, or put things off, even though they feel bad about it later
- Spends a lot of time thinking about their mistakes or any errors in what they do
What is the approach of the Guided Parent-Delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Perfectionism research study?
The program includes six modules, designed to be used by the caregiver with the child, in interactive learning activities, supported by an online guidance session once a week. Each of which contains:
- Information about perfectionism
- Activities for the caregiver to complete independently
- Handouts for the caregiver to give to the child and discuss with them and exercises that the caregiver and childcan complete together
- Questionnaires for you and your child to complete online over the course of the evaluation and 12-weeks after the intervention is completed
The program aims to help:
- Children pursue meaningful goals whilst reducing distress – not lowering their standards;
- Children explore new thoughts, behaviors, and less harmful avenues to achievement;
- Caregivers identify perfectionism in themselves, promoting joint learning.
To participate or see additional study details or email
See below for the program flyer
Documents & Downloads
- Parent Wellbeing CBT Perfectionism Intervention (pdf) 382KB